My Story

My Transformation Story

My transformation story starts in May 2014, at age 47. After having 3 kids I spent most of my adult life a size 12, and for the most part was okay with that. I had little things that bothered me, but still had a good self image. At 45 that started changing. Over the next two years I put on weight and went from a 12 to a 14, and then found myself at the point that I either needed to go buy 16s or do something to lose weight. I looked in the mirror and didn't like what I saw. I hated going shopping for clothes, because I didn't think anything looked good. I had a friend at church who had been talking about Shakeology and Beachbody, so I gave her a call.

She got me started with Shakeology and a workout plan. I did the workouts, but didn't really change my eating much, because the eating plan required counting calories - and I didn't want to have to do that much work to eat. I saw a little progress, 6 pounds and 4 inches in 6 weeks, and the Shakeology was helping me feel better, but I just wasn't quite happy with the plan I was on. Then one morning I stumbled across an infomercial for 21 Day Fix, and my gut told me that this was the plan I needed. A different workout for everyday of the week, and a simple, no calorie counting eating plan. I called my coach and told her I was changing things up. She was excited for me and added me to a challenge group she had going on Facebook. The accountability and support I got in that group made a big difference. I felt like I wasn't doing this by myself and had my own group of cheerleaders.

I started 21 Day fix at the end of June, still in 14s, though they were no longer quite so ridiculously tight. Over the course of the next few months I could feel and see the changes in my body, as I lost fat and inches, gained muscle, and reshaped my body. By mid September I had lost a total of 26 pounds and 21 inches. As of this writing (Jan 2015), I have lost a total of 37 pounds and 32 inches. I am wearing 8s or 10s, depending on the style & cut. I feel great! My confidence has increased dramatically! And I love shopping again! (My husband wishes I didn't love it quite so much ;) )

I LOVE this program! It's so simple! And so doable! And I know it can work for you too!

July 7, 2015

I decided it was time for an update. Shortly after posting everything above I hit the 40 lbs lost mark! WooHoo! For the past 6 months I have managed to maintain that weight loss and am now happily wearing mostly size 6 with the occasional size 8 - that's what I was wearing 25 years ago when I got married!! Man, I love this program and all that it has taught me!!

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