Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 17, 2015 = Awesome Day!

Had a pretty stellar moment in the fitting room today. I put on a pair of size six pants. SIX!! I didn't have to squirm or wiggle or suck it in to do it either. And though they were a little too snug to look good enough to buy, it felt pretty dang good, because a year ago as I was squeezing into my much too tight 14s (because I didn't want to face needing to buy 16s) I never would have dreamed I'd ever see the day I'd be able to slip on a six and get it zipped. Thank you to Susan, my upline coach, for getting me started on the road to a healthier, skinnier me, and to Brian, David, Rachel, and everyone else who cheered me on along the way! Looking forward to to paying it forward and helping others do the same.

Turkey Meatloaf Muffins

(Another amazing recipe passed on by my friend Misty)

Fats:2 grams
Carbs:4 grams
Protein:11 grams


2 lbs ground turkey (or chicken)
3 egg whites
1 cup quick cooking oats
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp dried thyme
2 tsp dry yellow mustard
2 tsp black pepper
2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp garlic powder (2 cloves minced)
1 small onion (finely chopped)
2 celery stalks (finely chopped)


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. Spray muffin pan with canola or olive oil.
3. Mix all your ingredients together in one large bowl.
4. Roll the mixture into balls and place in muffin pan. Muffins should be about the size of a racquetball.
5. Bake for 40 minutes.

Makes 12 muffins.

Serving Size: 2 muffins equal one red container on 21 Day fix

Healthy oatmeal/Protein Balls

My friend Misty came by the other day with this recipe and sample for my husband and I to try. OH MY YUMMY!!! These are SO good! Definitely love at first bite!

1 c Oatmeal
1/3 c Honey
1/2 c Peanut Butter
1/4 c Ground Flax
1/3 c Dark Chocolate Chips

Sprinkle in unsweetened coconut flakes (as little or as much as you want).

Hand mix all ingredients and roll into balls. Refrigerate so that they set up (store in fridge).

Makes about 8-10.

You can substitute 2 of these for 1 yellow container on the 21 Day Fix program.