Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 17, 2015 = Awesome Day!

Had a pretty stellar moment in the fitting room today. I put on a pair of size six pants. SIX!! I didn't have to squirm or wiggle or suck it in to do it either. And though they were a little too snug to look good enough to buy, it felt pretty dang good, because a year ago as I was squeezing into my much too tight 14s (because I didn't want to face needing to buy 16s) I never would have dreamed I'd ever see the day I'd be able to slip on a six and get it zipped. Thank you to Susan, my upline coach, for getting me started on the road to a healthier, skinnier me, and to Brian, David, Rachel, and everyone else who cheered me on along the way! Looking forward to to paying it forward and helping others do the same.

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